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How to Handle Tenants Leaving Early from a Fixed-Term Lease

How to Handle Tenants Leaving Early from a Fixed-Term Lease

If your tenants want to break their fixed-term tenancy agreement before the end date, don’t worry. There are straightforward steps to protect your property and investment. When Tenants Want to Leave Early Tenants’ circumstances can change and sometimes they need to move out before the lease ends. They have the right to do so giving […]

Top Tips for First-Time Landlords

Top Tips for First-Time Landlords

Our team often receives inquiries from individuals embarking on their journey as landlords. Questions like “Where do I begin?” and “What should I know?” are common concerns. To simplify this process, we’ve compiled our top tips for new landlords: Partner with a licensed property manager. They’re well-versed in the Residential Tenancies Act, and will stay […]

Energy Saving Tips To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

Energy Saving Tips To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

6 Energy-Saving Tips to Keep Your Home Warm and Wallet Happy This Winter As the winter chill settles in, many of us find ourselves cranking up the heat and reaching for extra blankets to stay warm. However, keeping your home cosy doesn’t have to come at the expense of high energy bills. With a few […]

How Much Do You Need To Set Aside For Maintenance?

How Much Do You Need To Set Aside For Maintenance?

Property maintenance is a major and ongoing expense in investment property ownership, yet it’s often overlooked by investors. Securing the ability to cover maintenance costs from the outset can prevent future complications. Plus, being able to promptly address maintenance issues can help tenant retention in the long run. Most common types of property maintenance? Maintenance […]

Top Five Advantages Of Using A Property Manager

Top Five Advantages Of Using A Property Manager

Top Five Advantages Of Using A Property Manager After purchasing your investment property, the next key decision you will need to make is whether you will employ a property manager to help you, or whether you’ll manage it yourself. Here is a look at the top 5 key benefits a property manager can offer you. […]